
Why you should partner with Ambassadors Kingdom Builders Ministries?

The mandate of Ambassadors Kingdom Builders Ministries is to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. Becoming a partner allows you to be fully involved in the impact of changing lives that our ministry entails. Each life changed or transformed will be as a result of your faithfulness towards God and humanity.
Benefits of Partnering
All active partners benefit from AKBM by receiving discounts on special classes or programs that will be offered by the ministry, new letters, immediate access to persons in leadership and updates on the functioning of the ministry.
It's amazing to watch the hand of God moving in this ministry every day, don't miss this opportunity partner today.

Four level of partnerships

Bronze Monthly partnerships............$25 USD

Silver Monthly Partnerships............$50USD

Gold monthly Partnerships............$100USD

Platinum Monthly Partnerships........$150USD

Our Vision

Equipping men for the rapture through the five fold ministry

And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord ;